The Magic of Pothos

Ever think about how many times your pothos plant should have died because you barely watered it or paid attention to it for months on end and it didn’t? Yeah, me too. Pothos is one of my absolute favorite house plants to fill up my room and life because it grows for years and years, is extremely hard to kill, and is a gorgeous plant that cascades its vines in any direction you choose. All my boho, witchy and earthy interior decorators know exactly the aesthetic I’m referring to; pothos is highly photogenic. Pothos comes in a variety of colors and styles, from the classic darker green to a lovely marbled neon and lime, they are all a sight to behold. 


Pothos is a rare find in the plant community, and despite many other plants being easy to grow and tend to, pothos takes the cake in beginner level gardening. Pothos, of course, will gladly take regular weekly watering, semi-annual fertilization and nice bright direct or indirect light as its ideal conditions; but I swear, I’ve forgotten to water my pothos for weeks or went on an extended trip or kept them in a darker corner of my home and they still kept on growing. It’s nice to have this house plant around not only for its easy-going nature, but it sure is pretty to look at. 

Like many house plants, pothos needs good drainage and healthy soil to thrive, and although it may be difficult to kill, let’s try to keep it alive by giving it love and attention just like any other plant we own. I usually remove any dead or yellow leaves, check the soil every week or two, have it on a regular watering schedule, and leach the plants when necessary. Leaching refers to the complete draining of soil when too many soluble salts are depleting the plant of nutrition. You can usually tell if it needs to be leached by the white salt deposits on or just below the soil surface. Simply hold the pot over the sink and pour excess water into the soil (usually twice the pots holding amount) and drain it completely before returning it to its larger container or its typical resting place. 

Another amazing thing about pothos is how incredibly easy they are to propagate! You can simply trim a stem with at least one leaf and pop it in a glass of water! I will be offering an online propagation workshop where I show you the specifics of this process, but even from one plant you can propagate dozens more over time. 

Ultimately, if you’re a plant lover and house plant parent, you must have a pothos around. They are easy to grow and love and will treat you well if you do so in return.